The Trilogiq USA Second Annual Material Handling Solution Expo is to be held on October 10th for manufacturing leaders. The focus will be how distribution centers can become more effective. The company, based in Livonia, Michigan, develops new methods and applications for manufacturing companies. Years of growth in capabilities, geographic reach, and comprehensive one-stop-shopping solutions have created a wide scope and value proposition for Trilogiq USA’s customers.
ArtVPS launches new cloud-based platform for AEC professionals to share 3D projects
SketchuFurnitureModels7:11:00 AMartvps, cloud, colaboration, drawings, platform, render, sketchup
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Chaos Group Ships V-Ray 2.0 for SketchUp
With today’s launch of Chaos Group’s V-Ray 2.0 for SketchUp, the access designers have to faster rendering, better lighting tools, and more detail in complex scenes has reached new heights. It’s the biggest expansion to V-Ray for SketchUp’s rendering capabilities yet, and it’s all thanks to the help of a vast and very dedicated group of beta testers.